Applicative Validation

Chapter Goals

In this chapter, we will meet an important new abstraction - the applicative functor, described by the Applicative type class. Don't worry if the name sounds confusing - we will motivate the concept with a practical example - validating form data. This technique allows us to convert code which usually involves a lot of boilerplate checking into a simple, declarative description of our form.

We will also meet another type class, Traversable, which describes traversable functors, and see how this concept also arises very naturally from solutions to real-world problems.

The example code for this chapter will be a continuation of the address book example from chapter 3. This time, we will extend our address book data types, and write functions to validate values for those types. The understanding is that these functions could be used, for example in a web user interface, to display errors to the user as part of a data entry form.

Project Setup

The source code for this chapter is defined in the files src/Data/AddressBook.purs and src/Data/AddressBook/Validation.purs.

The project has a number of dependencies, many of which we have seen before. There are two new dependencies:

  • control, which defines functions for abstracting control flow using type classes like Applicative.

  • validation, which defines a functor for applicative validation, the subject of this chapter.

The Data.AddressBook module defines data types and Show instances for the types in our project, and the Data.AddressBook.Validation module contains validation rules for those types.

Generalizing Function Application

To explain the concept of an applicative functor, let's consider the type constructor Maybe that we met earlier.

The source code for this module defines a function address which has the following type:

address :: String -> String -> String -> Address

This function is used to construct a value of type Address from three strings: a street name, a city, and a state.

We can apply this function easily and see the result in PSCi:

> import Data.AddressBook

> address "123 Fake St." "Faketown" "CA"
Address { street: "123 Fake St.", city: "Faketown", state: "CA" }

However, suppose we did not necessarily have a street, city, or state, and wanted to use the Maybe type to indicate a missing value in each of the three cases.

In one case, we might have a missing city. If we try to apply our function directly, we will receive an error from the type checker:

> import Data.Maybe
> address (Just "123 Fake St.") Nothing (Just "CA")

Could not match type

  Maybe String

with type


Of course, this is an expected type error - address takes strings as arguments, not values of type Maybe String.

However, it is reasonable to expect that we should be able to "lift" the address function to work with optional values described by the Maybe type. In fact, we can, and the Control.Apply provides the function lift3 function which does exactly what we need:

> import Control.Apply
> lift3 address (Just "123 Fake St.") Nothing (Just "CA")


In this case, the result is Nothing, because one of the arguments (the city) was missing. If we provide all three arguments using the Just constructor, then the result will contain a value as well:

> lift3 address (Just "123 Fake St.") (Just "Faketown") (Just "CA")

Just (Address { street: "123 Fake St.", city: "Faketown", state: "CA" })

The name of the function lift3 indicates that it can be used to lift functions of 3 arguments. There are similar functions defined in Control.Apply for functions of other numbers of arguments.

Lifting Arbitrary Functions

So, we can lift functions with small numbers of arguments by using lift2, lift3, etc. But how can we generalize this to arbitrary functions?

It is instructive to look at the type of lift3:

> :type lift3
forall a b c d f. Apply f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d

In the Maybe example above, the type constructor f is Maybe, so that lift3 is specialized to the following type:

forall a b c d. (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c -> Maybe d

This type says that we can take any function with three arguments, and lift it to give a new function whose argument and result types are wrapped with Maybe.

Certainly, this is not possible for any type constructor f, so what is it about the Maybe type which allowed us to do this? Well, in specializing the type above, we removed a type class constraint on f from the Apply type class. Apply is defined in the Prelude as follows:

class Functor f where
  map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

class Functor f <= Apply f where
  apply :: forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The Apply type class is a subclass of Functor, and defines an additional function apply. As <$> was defined as an alias for map, the Prelude module defines <*> as an alias for apply. As we'll see, these two operators are often used together.

The type of apply looks a lot like the type of map. The difference between map and apply is that map takes a function as an argument, whereas the first argument to apply is wrapped in the type constructor f. We'll see how this is used soon, but first, let's see how to implement the Apply type class for the Maybe type:

instance functorMaybe :: Functor Maybe where
  map f (Just a) = Just (f a)
  map f Nothing  = Nothing

instance applyMaybe :: Apply Maybe where
  apply (Just f) (Just x) = Just (f x)
  apply _        _        = Nothing

This type class instance says that we can apply an optional function to an optional value, and the result is defined only if both are defined.

Now we'll see how map and apply can be used together to lift functions of arbitrary number of arguments.

For functions of one argument, we can just use map directly.

For functions of two arguments, we have a curried function g with type a -> b -> c, say. This is equivalent to the type a -> (b -> c), so we can apply map to g to get a new function of type f a -> f (b -> c) for any type constructor f with a Functor instance. Partially applying this function to the first lifted argument (of type f a), we get a new wrapped function of type f (b -> c). If we also have an Apply instance for f, then we can then use apply to apply the second lifted argument (of type f b) to get our final value of type f c.

Putting this all together, we see that if we have values x :: f a and y :: f b, then the expression (g <$> x) <*> y has type f c (remember, this expression is equivalent to apply (map g x) y). The precedence rules defined in the Prelude allow us to remove the parentheses: g <$> x <*> y.

In general, we can use <$> on the first argument, and <*> for the remaining arguments, as illustrated here for lift3:

lift3 :: forall a b c d f
       . Apply f
      => (a -> b -> c -> d)
      -> f a
      -> f b
      -> f c
      -> f d
lift3 f x y z = f <$> x <*> y <*> z

It is left as an exercise for the reader to verify the types involved in this expression.

As an example, we can try lifting the address function over Maybe, directly using the <$> and <*> functions:

> address <$> Just "123 Fake St." <*> Just "Faketown" <*> Just "CA"
Just (Address { street: "123 Fake St.", city: "Faketown", state: "CA" })

> address <$> Just "123 Fake St." <*> Nothing <*> Just "CA"

Try lifting some other functions of various numbers of arguments over Maybe in this way.

Alternatively applicative do notation can be used for the same purpose in a way that looks similar to the familiar do notation. Here is lift3 using applicative do notation. Note ado is used instead of do, and in is used on the final line to denote the yielded value:

lift3 :: forall a b c d f
       . Apply f
      => (a -> b -> c -> d)
      -> f a
      -> f b
      -> f c
      -> f d
lift3 f x y z = ado
  a <- x
  b <- y
  c <- z
  in f a b c

The Applicative Type Class

There is a related type class called Applicative, defined as follows:

class Apply f <= Applicative f where
  pure :: forall a. a -> f a

Applicative is a subclass of Apply and defines the pure function. pure takes a value and returns a value whose type has been wrapped with the type constructor f.

Here is the Applicative instance for Maybe:

instance applicativeMaybe :: Applicative Maybe where
  pure x = Just x

If we think of applicative functors as functors which allow lifting of functions, then pure can be thought of as lifting functions of zero arguments.

Intuition for Applicative

Functions in PureScript are pure and do not support side-effects. Applicative functors allow us to work in larger "programming languages" which support some sort of side-effect encoded by the functor f.

As an example, the functor Maybe represents the side effect of possibly-missing values. Some other examples include Either err, which represents the side effect of possible errors of type err, and the arrow functor r -> which represents the side-effect of reading from a global configuration. For now, we'll only consider the Maybe functor.

If the functor f represents this larger programming language with effects, then the Apply and Applicative instances allow us to lift values and function applications from our smaller programming language (PureScript) into the new language.

pure lifts pure (side-effect free) values into the larger language, and for functions, we can use map and apply as described above.

This raises a question: if we can use Applicative to embed PureScript functions and values into this new language, then how is the new language any larger? The answer depends on the functor f. If we can find expressions of type f a which cannot be expressed as pure x for some x, then that expression represents a term which only exists in the larger language.

When f is Maybe, an example is the expression Nothing: we cannot write Nothing as pure x for any x. Therefore, we can think of PureScript as having been enlarged to include the new term Nothing, which represents a missing value.

More Effects

Let's see some more examples of lifting functions over different Applicative functors.

Here is a simple example function defined in PSCi, which joins three names to form a full name:

> import Prelude

> fullName first middle last = last <> ", " <> first <> " " <> middle

> fullName "Phillip" "A" "Freeman"
Freeman, Phillip A

Now suppose that this function forms the implementation of a (very simple!) web service with the three arguments provided as query parameters. We want to make sure that the user provided each of the three parameters, so we might use the Maybe type to indicate the presence or otherwise absence of a parameter. We can lift fullName over Maybe to create an implementation of the web service which checks for missing parameters:

> import Data.Maybe

> fullName <$> Just "Phillip" <*> Just "A" <*> Just "Freeman"
Just ("Freeman, Phillip A")

> fullName <$> Just "Phillip" <*> Nothing <*> Just "Freeman"

or with applicative do

> import Data.Maybe

> :paste… 
… ado
…   f <- Just "Phillip"
…   m <- Just "A"
…   l <- Just "Freeman"
…   in fullName f m l
… ^D
(Just "Freeman, Phillip A")

… ado
…   f <- Just "Phillip"
…   m <- Nothing
…   l <- Just "Freeman"
…   in fullName f m l
… ^D

Note that the lifted function returns Nothing if any of the arguments was Nothing.

This is good, because now we can send an error response back from our web service if the parameters are invalid. However, it would be better if we could indicate which field was incorrect in the response.

Instead of lifting over Maybe, we can lift over Either String, which allows us to return an error message. First, let's write an operator to convert optional inputs into computations which can signal an error using Either String:

> import Data.Either
> :paste
… withError Nothing  err = Left err
… withError (Just a) _   = Right a
… ^D

Note: In the Either err applicative functor, the Left constructor indicates an error, and the Right constructor indicates success.

Now we can lift over Either String, providing an appropriate error message for each parameter:

> :paste
… fullNameEither first middle last =
…   fullName <$> (first  `withError` "First name was missing")
…            <*> (middle `withError` "Middle name was missing")
…            <*> (last   `withError` "Last name was missing")
… ^D

or with applicative do

> :paste
… fullNameEither first middle last = ado 
…  f <- first  `withError` "First name was missing"
…  m <- middle `withError` "Middle name was missing"
…  l <- last   `withError` "Last name was missing"
…  in fullName f m l
… ^D

> :type fullNameEither
Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Either String String

Now our function takes three optional arguments using Maybe, and returns either a String error message or a String result.

We can try out the function with different inputs:

> fullNameEither (Just "Phillip") (Just "A") (Just "Freeman")
(Right "Freeman, Phillip A")

> fullNameEither (Just "Phillip") Nothing (Just "Freeman")
(Left "Middle name was missing")

> fullNameEither (Just "Phillip") (Just "A") Nothing
(Left "Last name was missing")

In this case, we see the error message corresponding to the first missing field, or a successful result if every field was provided. However, if we are missing multiple inputs, we still only see the first error:

> fullNameEither Nothing Nothing Nothing
(Left "First name was missing")

This might be good enough, but if we want to see a list of all missing fields in the error, then we need something more powerful than Either String. We will see a solution later in this chapter.

Combining Effects

As an example of working with applicative functors abstractly, this section will show how to write a function which will generically combine side-effects encoded by an applicative functor f.

What does this mean? Well, suppose we have a list of wrapped arguments of type f a for some a. That is, suppose we have an list of type List (f a). Intuitively, this represents a list of computations with side-effects tracked by f, each with return type a. If we could run all of these computations in order, we would obtain a list of results of type List a. However, we would still have side-effects tracked by f. That is, we expect to be able to turn something of type List (f a) into something of type f (List a) by "combining" the effects inside the original list.

For any fixed list size n, there is a function of n arguments which builds a list of size n out of those arguments. For example, if n is 3, the function is \x y z -> x : y : z : Nil. This function has type a -> a -> a -> List a. We can use the Applicative instance for List to lift this function over f, to get a function of type f a -> f a -> f a -> f (List a). But, since we can do this for any n, it makes sense that we should be able to perform the same lifting for any list of arguments.

That means that we should be able to write a function

combineList :: forall f a. Applicative f => List (f a) -> f (List a)

This function will take a list of arguments, which possibly have side-effects, and return a single wrapped list, applying the side-effects of each.

To write this function, we'll consider the length of the list of arguments. If the list is empty, then we do not need to perform any effects, and we can use pure to simply return an empty list:

combineList Nil = pure Nil

In fact, this is the only thing we can do!

If the list is non-empty, then we have a head element, which is a wrapped argument of type f a, and a tail of type List (f a). We can recursively combine the effects in the tail, giving a result of type f (List a). We can then use <$> and <*> to lift the Cons constructor over the head and new tail:

combineList (Cons x xs) = Cons <$> x <*> combineList xs

Again, this was the only sensible implementation, based on the types we were given.

We can test this function in PSCi, using the Maybe type constructor as an example:

> import Data.List
> import Data.Maybe

> combineList (fromFoldable [Just 1, Just 2, Just 3])
(Just (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))))

> combineList (fromFoldable [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2])

When specialized to Maybe, our function returns a Just only if every list element was Just, otherwise it returns Nothing. This is consistent with our intuition of working in a larger language supporting optional values - a list of computations which return optional results only has a result itself if every computation contained a result.

But the combineList function works for any Applicative! We can use it to combine computations which possibly signal an error using Either err, or which read from a global configuration using r ->.

We will see the combineList function again later, when we consider Traversable functors.


  1. (Easy) Use lift2 to write lifted versions of the numeric operators +, -, * and / which work with optional arguments.

  2. (Medium) Convince yourself that the definition of lift3 given above in terms of <$> and <*> does type check.

  3. (Difficult) Write a function combineMaybe which has type forall a f. Applicative f => Maybe (f a) -> f (Maybe a). This function takes an optional computation with side-effects, and returns a side-effecting computation which has an optional result.

Applicative Validation

The source code for this chapter defines several data types which might be used in an address book application. The details are omitted here, but the key functions which are exported by the Data.AddressBook module have the following types:

address :: String -> String -> String -> Address

phoneNumber :: PhoneType -> String -> PhoneNumber

person :: String -> String -> Address -> Array PhoneNumber -> Person

where PhoneType is defined as an algebraic data type:

data PhoneType = HomePhone | WorkPhone | CellPhone | OtherPhone

These functions can be used to construct a Person representing an address book entry. For example, the following value is defined in Data.AddressBook:

examplePerson :: Person
examplePerson =
  person "John" "Smith"
         (address "123 Fake St." "FakeTown" "CA")
           [ phoneNumber HomePhone "555-555-5555"
         , phoneNumber CellPhone "555-555-0000"

Test this value in PSCi (this result has been formatted):

> import Data.AddressBook

> examplePerson
  { firstName: "John",
  , lastName: "Smith",
  , address: Address
      { street: "123 Fake St."
      , city: "FakeTown"
      , state: "CA"
  , phones: [ PhoneNumber
                { type: HomePhone
                , number: "555-555-5555"
            , PhoneNumber
                { type: CellPhone
                , number: "555-555-0000"

We saw in a previous section how we could use the Either String functor to validate a data structure of type Person. For example, provided functions to validate the two names in the structure, we might validate the entire data structure as follows:

nonEmpty :: String -> Either String Unit
nonEmpty "" = Left "Field cannot be empty"
nonEmpty _  = Right unit

validatePerson :: Person -> Either String Person
validatePerson (Person o) =
  person <$> (nonEmpty o.firstName *> pure o.firstName)
         <*> (nonEmpty o.lastName  *> pure o.lastName)
         <*> pure o.address
         <*> pure o.phones

or with applicative do

validatePersonAdo :: Person -> Either String Person
validatePersonAdo (Person o) = ado
  f <- nonEmpty o.firstName *> pure o.firstName
  l <- nonEmpty o.lastName *> pure o.firstName
  in person f l o.address o.phones

In the first two lines, we use the nonEmpty function to validate a non-empty string. nonEmpty returns an error (indicated with the Left constructor) if its input is empty, or a successful empty value (unit) using the Right constructor otherwise. We use the sequencing operator *> to indicate that we want to perform two validations, returning the result from the validator on the right. In this case, the validator on the right simply uses pure to return the input unchanged.

The final lines do not perform any validation but simply provide the address and phones fields to the person function as the remaining arguments.

This function can be seen to work in PSCi, but has a limitation which we have seen before:

> validatePerson $ person "" "" (address "" "" "") []
(Left "Field cannot be empty")

The Either String applicative functor only provides the first error encountered. Given the input here, we would prefer to see two errors - one for the missing first name, and a second for the missing last name.

There is another applicative functor which is provided by the validation library. This functor is called V, and it provides the ability to return errors in any semigroup. For example, we can use V (Array String) to return an array of Strings as errors, concatenating new errors onto the end of the array.

The Data.AddressBook.Validation module uses the V (Array String) applicative functor to validate the data structures in the Data.AddressBook module.

Here is an example of a validator taken from the Data.AddressBook.Validation module:

type Errors = Array String

nonEmpty :: String -> String -> V Errors Unit
nonEmpty field "" = invalid ["Field '" <> field <> "' cannot be empty"]
nonEmpty _     _  = pure unit

lengthIs :: String -> Int -> String -> V Errors Unit
lengthIs field len value | S.length value /= len =
  invalid ["Field '" <> field <> "' must have length " <> show len]
lengthIs _     _   _     =
  pure unit

validateAddress :: Address -> V Errors Address
validateAddress (Address o) =
  address <$> (nonEmpty "Street" o.street *> pure o.street)
          <*> (nonEmpty "City"   *> pure
          <*> (lengthIs "State" 2 o.state *> pure o.state)

or with applicative do

validateAddressAdo :: Address -> V Errors Address
validateAddressAdo (Address o) = ado
  street  <- (nonEmpty "Street" o.street *> pure o.street)
  city    <- (nonEmpty "City"   *> pure
  state   <- (lengthIs "State" 2 o.state *> pure o.state)
  in address street city state

validateAddress validates an Address structure. It checks that the street and city fields are non-empty, and checks that the string in the state field has length 2.

Notice how the nonEmpty and lengthIs validator functions both use the invalid function provided by the Data.Validation module to indicate an error. Since we are working in the Array String semigroup, invalid takes an array of strings as its argument.

We can try this function in PSCi:

> import Data.AddressBook
> import Data.AddressBook.Validation

> validateAddress $ address "" "" ""
(Invalid [ "Field 'Street' cannot be empty"
         , "Field 'City' cannot be empty"
         , "Field 'State' must have length 2"

> validateAddress $ address "" "" "CA"
(Invalid [ "Field 'Street' cannot be empty"
         , "Field 'City' cannot be empty"

This time, we receive an array of all validation errors.

Regular Expression Validators

The validatePhoneNumber function uses a regular expression to validate the form of its argument. The key is a matches validation function, which uses a Regex from the Data.String.Regex module to validate its input:

matches :: String -> R.Regex -> String -> V Errors Unit
matches _     regex value | R.test regex value =
  pure unit
matches field _     _     =
  invalid ["Field '" <> field <> "' did not match the required format"]

Again, notice how pure is used to indicate successful validation, and invalid is used to signal an array of errors.

validatePhoneNumber is built from the matches function in the same way as before:

validatePhoneNumber :: PhoneNumber -> V Errors PhoneNumber
validatePhoneNumber (PhoneNumber o) =
  phoneNumber <$> pure o."type"
              <*> (matches "Number" phoneNumberRegex o.number *> pure o.number)

or with applicative do

validatePhoneNumberAdo :: PhoneNumber -> V Errors PhoneNumber
validatePhoneNumberAdo (PhoneNumber o) = ado
  tpe     <-  pure o."type"
  number  <-  (matches "Number" phoneNumberRegex o.number *> pure o.number)
  in phoneNumber tpe number

Again, try running this validator against some valid and invalid inputs in PSCi:

> validatePhoneNumber $ phoneNumber HomePhone "555-555-5555"
Valid (PhoneNumber { type: HomePhone, number: "555-555-5555" })

> validatePhoneNumber $ phoneNumber HomePhone "555.555.5555"
Invalid (["Field 'Number' did not match the required format"])


  1. (Easy) Use a regular expression validator to ensure that the state field of the Address type contains two alphabetic characters. Hint: see the source code for phoneNumberRegex.

  2. (Medium) Using the matches validator, write a validation function which checks that a string is not entirely whitespace. Use it to replace nonEmpty where appropriate.

Traversable Functors

The remaining validator is validatePerson, which combines the validators we have seen so far to validate an entire Person structure:

arrayNonEmpty :: forall a. String -> Array a -> V Errors Unit
arrayNonEmpty field [] =
  invalid ["Field '" <> field <> "' must contain at least one value"]
arrayNonEmpty _     _  =
  pure unit

validatePerson :: Person -> V Errors Person
validatePerson (Person o) =
  person <$> (nonEmpty "First Name" o.firstName *>
              pure o.firstName)
         <*> (nonEmpty "Last Name"  o.lastName  *>
              pure o.lastName)
           <*> validateAddress o.address
         <*> (arrayNonEmpty "Phone Numbers" o.phones *>
              traverse validatePhoneNumber o.phones)

or with applicative do

validatePersonAdo :: Person -> V Errors Person
validatePersonAdo (Person o) = ado
  firstName   <- (nonEmpty "First Name" o.firstName *> 
                  pure o.firstName)
  lastName    <- (nonEmpty "Last Name"  o.lastName  *> 
                  pure o.lastName)
  address     <- validateAddress o.address
  numbers     <- (arrayNonEmpty "Phone Numbers" o.phones *> 
                  traverse validatePhoneNumber o.phones)
  in person firstName lastName address numbers

There is one more interesting function here, which we haven't seen yet - traverse, which appears in the final line.

traverse is defined in the Data.Traversable module, in the Traversable type class:

class (Functor t, Foldable t) <= Traversable t where
  traverse :: forall a b f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
  sequence :: forall a f. Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)

Traversable defines the class of traversable functors. The types of its functions might look a little intimidating, but validatePerson provides a good motivating example.

Every traversable functor is both a Functor and Foldable (recall that a foldable functor was a type constructor which supported a fold operation, reducing a structure to a single value). In addition, a traversable functor provides the ability to combine a collection of side-effects which depend on its structure.

This may sound complicated, but let's simplify things by specializing to the case of arrays. The array type constructor is traversable, which means that there is a function:

traverse :: forall a b f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Array a -> f (Array b)

Intuitively, given any applicative functor f, and a function which takes a value of type a and returns a value of type b (with side-effects tracked by f), we can apply the function to each element of an array of type Array a to obtain a result of type Array b (with side-effects tracked by f).

Still not clear? Let's specialize further to the case where m is the V Errors applicative functor above. Now, we have a function of type

traverse :: forall a b. (a -> V Errors b) -> Array a -> V Errors (Array b)

This type signature says that if we have a validation function f for a type a, then traverse f is a validation function for arrays of type Array a. But that's exactly what we need to be able to validate the phones field of the Person data structure! We pass validatePhoneNumber to traverse to create a validation function which validates each element successively.

In general, traverse walks over the elements of a data structure, performing computations with side-effects and accumulating a result.

The type signature for Traversable's other function sequence might look more familiar:

sequence :: forall a f. Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)

In fact, the combineList function that we wrote earlier is just a special case of the sequence function from the Traversable type class. Setting t to be the type constructor List, we recover the type of the combineList function:

combineList :: forall f a. Applicative f => List (f a) -> f (List a)

Traversable functors capture the idea of traversing a data structure, collecting a set of effectful computations, and combining their effects. In fact, sequence and traverse are equally important to the definition of Traversable - each can be implemented in terms of each other. This is left as an exercise for the interested reader.

The Traversable instance for lists is given in the Data.List module. The definition of traverse is given here:

-- traverse :: forall a b f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> List a -> f (List b)
traverse _ Nil = pure Nil
traverse f (Cons x xs) = Cons <$> f x <*> traverse f xs

In the case of an empty list, we can simply return an empty list using pure. If the list is non-empty, we can use the function f to create a computation of type f b from the head element. We can also call traverse recursively on the tail. Finally, we can lift the Cons constructor over the applicative functor f to combine the two results.

But there are more examples of traversable functors than just arrays and lists. The Maybe type constructor we saw earlier also has an instance for Traversable. We can try it in PSCi:

> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.Traversable

> traverse (nonEmpty "Example") Nothing
(Valid Nothing)

> traverse (nonEmpty "Example") (Just "")
(Invalid ["Field 'Example' cannot be empty"])

> traverse (nonEmpty "Example") (Just "Testing")
(Valid (Just unit))

These examples show that traversing the Nothing value returns Nothing with no validation, and traversing Just x uses the validation function to validate x. That is, traverse takes a validation function for type a and returns a validation function for Maybe a, i.e. a validation function for optional values of type a.

Other traversable functors include Array, and Tuple a and Either a for any type a. Generally, most "container" data type constructors have Traversable instances. As an example, the exercises will include writing a Traversable instance for a type of binary trees.


  1. (Medium) Write a Traversable instance for the following binary tree data structure, which combines side-effects from left-to-right:

     data Tree a = Leaf | Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a)

    This corresponds to an in-order traversal of the tree. What about a preorder traversal? What about reverse order?

  2. (Medium) Modify the code to make the address field of the Person type optional using Data.Maybe. Hint: Use traverse to validate a field of type Maybe a.

  3. (Difficult) Try to write sequence in terms of traverse. Can you write traverse in terms of sequence?

Applicative Functors for Parallelism

In the discussion above, I chose the word "combine" to describe how applicative functors "combine side-effects". However, in all the examples given, it would be equally valid to say that applicative functors allow us to "sequence" effects. This would be consistent with the intuition that traversable functors provide a sequence function to combine effects in sequence based on a data structure.

However, in general, applicative functors are more general than this. The applicative functor laws do not impose any ordering on the side-effects that their computations perform. In fact, it would be valid for an applicative functor to perform its side-effects in parallel.

For example, the V validation functor returned an array of errors, but it would work just as well if we picked the Set semigroup, in which case it would not matter what order we ran the various validators. We could even run them in parallel over the data structure!

As a second example, the parallel package provides a type class Parallel which supports parallel computations. Parallel provides a function parallel which uses some Applicative functor to compute the result of its input computation in parallel:

f <$> parallel computation1
  <*> parallel computation2

This computation would start computing values asynchronously using computation1 and computation2. When both results have been computed, they would be combined into a single result using the function f.

We will see this idea in more detail when we apply applicative functors to the problem of callback hell later in the book.

Applicative functors are a natural way to capture side-effects which can be combined in parallel.


In this chapter, we covered a lot of new ideas:

  • We introduced the concept of an applicative functor which generalizes the idea of function application to type constructors which capture some notion of side-effect.

  • We saw how applicative functors gave a solution to the problem of validating data structures, and how by switching the applicative functor we could change from reporting a single error to reporting all errors across a data structure.

  • We met the Traversable type class, which encapsulates the idea of a traversable functor, or a container whose elements can be used to combine values with side-effects.

Applicative functors are an interesting abstraction which provide neat solutions to a number of problems. We will see them a few more times throughout the book. In this case, the validation applicative functor provided a way to write validators in a declarative style, allowing us to define what our validators should validate and not how they should perform that validation. In general, we will see that applicative functors are a useful tool for the design of domain specific languages.

In the next chapter, we will see a related idea, the class of monads, and extend our address book example to run in the browser!

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